Seasonality table - Seasonal crops (fruits, vegetables)

When each vegetable or fruit is in season? There are several reasons why it's useful to buy vegetables and fruits when they are in season. First, it's more cost-effective, and they don't travel long distances, which often involves pesticide treatment or harvesting when the produce is still unripe.

Another advantage of seasonal crops (vegetables and fruits) is that they ripen while still on the tree, bush, or plant. This means they will contain more vitamins and nutrients.

However, apricots, for example, are an exceptional case. Unfortunately, even in local markets, they are often sold while still half-green. They arrive almost entirely green to the seller. This is understandable because they ripen quickly and are quite delicate when fully ripe, but it's still regrettable.

Let's continue with the tables, firstly the fruits, and if you scroll down further, the vegetables.

Seasonality table: fruits
Fruit janfebmarapr mayjunjul augsepoctnovdec
apple 123456789101112
blueberry 789
elderberry 91011
quince 19101112
cherry 567
walnut 123456789101112
currant, gooseberry 567
strawberry (ground) 567
strawberry (tree) 7
peanut 123456789
fig 78910
chestnut 9101112
watermelon 78910
pear 1234789101112
raspberry 678910
almond 123456789101112
sour cherry 67
medlar 1101112
apricot 6789
currant (black, red) 678
apricot 678
cantaloupe 678910
strawberry 56789
blackberry 78910
plum 789
grape 78910
Seasonality table: vegetables
Vegetable janfebmarapr mayjunjul augsepoctnovdec
bean 123456789101112
basil 678910
marjoram 678910
broccoli 56789101112
potato 123456789101112
beetroot 12345789101112
chicory 1101112
lemon balm 67891011
Jerusalem artichoke 1256789101112
zucchini 678910
sugarloaf lettuce 5691011
endive 456789101112
headed cabbage 123456789101112
common lettuce 567891011
black radish 12349101112
curly kale 12101112
onion 123456789101112
radish 456
daikon 567
dill 5678910
kohlrabi 123456789101112
cauliflower 56789101112
Brussels sprout 89101112
savoy cabbage 12456789101112
chinese cabbage 1289101112
corn 789
corn salad 12349101112
Swiss chard 678910
ramsons 34
eggplant 8910
pepper 78910
tomato 678910
parsnip 12349101112
parsley, root 123456789101112
leek 1236789101112
arugula 4567891011
carrot 123456789101112
sorrel 4567891011
asparagus 456
spinach 4567891011
pumpkin 123101112
squash 126789101112
cucumber 6789
spring onion 34567891011
celery 1234789101112
green beans 6789
green peas 5678910


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