pink and white Lily (Lilium) in pot
Lily (Lilium) flower -small white Lily (Lilium) -small orange Lily (Lilium) -small pink and white Lily (Lilium) in pot -small

Lily (Lilium) care

Latin name: Lilium

The winter tolerant, mostly summer flowering bulbous plants, many times are the nicest plants of the gardens, due to their colorful and fragrant flowers, which are require sunlight or half-shade and well-drained soil. Many species need shoring, because they may grow up to one meter and bring so many flowers, that the weight of the flowers pulls down the stem. The bulb of the Lily is scaly. Its leaf is alternate or in collared position. The Lily is popular because of its colourful and often very fragrant flower. The flower shroud is composed of six flower petals. The flat seed grows in the fruit of three edges, and only sproutable for a short time.

Requirements and care:

The Lily likes sunny or half shaded, wind-free places, the nutritious, permeable soil and moisture. Before planting, soil should be loosen deeply. It is useful to keep it outdoors in winter.

It can easily dry out, so immediately plant it after buying and start to water regularly as soon the growth begins. It needs nutrients, so help its growth and flowering by well-biodegradable natural materials (compost) or nutrient solution. However, do not give nutrients for the Lily after flowering.

Many small-sized hybrid can be planted into pot or flower box (3-4 bulbs/pot is enough), but to keep the biological balance they're need cold, so the best, if we plant it outside in the garden for the winter. After flowering, remove the withered flowers, but not the leaves, in order to give longer opportunity for the plant to gather energy, as only a healthy, big foliage can raise a nice bulb. If the foliage already yellowing, then unfortunately the bulb will stay weak.

It must not be kept in too warm place, 16-18 degrees would be the best. It must not be kept in a place with lack of light. In spring, there is no blazing sun yet, so the Lily can be placed in a southern windowsill, in fact it would be the best. Its soil should not dry out, but there shouldn't be excessive water as well, the best is to water it from the bottom. If there is too much water, the bulb may rot.

In the warmth, it is also enough to water it once a week. If we water it from the bottom, pour out the remaining water after a half an hour.


The propagation of the Lily is possible from sprout bulbs on the leaf stalk, underground sprout bulbs originated from shoots or separated leaves of bulbs. The seed sown specimens can start to grow only in 5-6 years.

Most common diseases, pests of the Lily, main reasons of their destruction:

Water vole is the most important pest, it can be kept away with wire mesh.


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