Primrose flower - Primula - yellow, red, purple
Primrose - Primula in a pot -small Primrose - Primula - red and brown -small Primrose - Primula flower selection -small Primrose flower - Primula - yellow, red, purple -small

Primrose (Primula) care

Latin name: Primula

The Latin name for it is Primula, but most people know this beautiful, colorful perennial plant that blooms in spring under the name Primrose. Numerous species are native, such as the Oxlip (Primula elatior), Primrose (Primula vulgaris), Bird's-eye Primrose (Primula farinosa), Primula auricula, Cowslip (Primula veris) and Primula minima. From these the Primrose, potted or indoor primula, which is also given as a gift on International Women's Day. It is one of the most commonly found from January to March in every flower shop. It also comes in red, yellow, pink, blue, and purple colors. Various species grow between 10-40 cm in height. There are numerous known varieties, each one more attractive than the other, but essentially all of them require the same care.

The Cowslip is also a medicinal herb. It soothes coughs, purifies the blood, and, thanks to its pain-relieving properties, it also reduces rheumatic pains.

Primrose care and requirements:

Light Requirements:

The primula prefers partial shade or shade, but it can also tolerate sunlight if we provide a cool and moist environment for it. In this case, we can place it near a window or on a windowsill, but away from any heat source. However, we should protect it from direct, strong sunlight, although the sun rays are not yet so strong in spring during the primula's flowering time, it is still better to place it on the north side if possible.

Its leaves should not come into direct contact with cold window glass. In the garden, we should choose a location where it will receive a little more sun in spring and be in shade during the summer. We can plant it on the north side of the house. It looks especially nice in large groups under trees or in rocky environments.

Temperature Requirements:

If propagated from seed, the primula needs a temperature between 4-10°C (39-50°F) from sowing to first flowering. During flowering, the ideal temperature for the primula is 10-15°C (50-59°F). It can tolerate slightly higher temperatures during other periods. In winter, keep the temperature low again at 4-10°C (39-50°F). It does not tolerate heated rooms well.

Water needs:

The primrose has a high water demand, therefore it requires regular watering. Its soil should be kept constantly moist if we want it to flower and grow continuously, but be careful not to let it stand in water as its roots can easily rot. We should not let the soil of the primrose dry out. If we notice its leaves wilting, we should water it immediately.

Avoid getting water on the leaves and flowers. Instead, water it from below or dip it in water for 1 minute. Lift the pot out of its saucer, dip it in water, let it drip for a while, and put it back in the saucer.

Further care:

The primrose is a very demanding plant, so if we cannot meet all of its needs, it will only be a decoration in our home for a short time. This is why, although it is a perennial plant, most people only keep it for one year. If it survives until winter, keep it in a cool place so that it can survive the winter.

If we buy primroses in winter or early spring, we should plant them in our garden after they have finished flowering, if possible. We should continuously remove the wilted flowers. Pinch them off at the base so that the plant has enough strength to produce new flowers. Plant it in nutrient-rich, slightly acidic soil.

How to propagate Primrose?

Propagating primulas from seed is rather difficult, so home gardeners usually propagate them them by division.

Propagation from Seeds

We can buy seeds or collect them from our own primula after it has finished blooming. Collecting the seeds is a bit tricky, as they are smaller than grains of sand. Plant the seeds in early spring in a tray filled with sterilized peat. If we cannot provide a constant temperature of 4-10 °C (39-50 °F), keep the tray in the fridge for 3-4 weeks. After this, keep them at room temperature, the seeds germinate at 15-20 °C (59-68 °F).

Germination also requires light, so cover the tray with a glass or transparent plastic sheet. We can also make a miniature greenhouse for them, which will provide the appropriate humidity for germination. Ensure proper ventilation as well. Germination should begin within 10-30 days.

After germination, plant the seedlings in slightly acidic, peaty soil in 7.5 cm pots once they have become sufficiently strong. In late summer, if they have survived the heat, transplant them into 15 cm pots. The little primrose (primula) plants will only bloom the following spring.

Propagating by division

Primroses can be propagated by division from September to April, but it's always best to do this in early spring. If you keep the primrose in your garden, it's recommended to divide and replant it every two years. To divide the plant, remove it from the soil and separate it into two parts, making sure each part has the same amount of roots. Try to handle the plant as gently as possible. After dividing, replant the primroses in the soil.

The most common diseases, pests, and causes of primula death

  • When planted in the garden, primulas are rarely attacked by pests, but indoors, aphids may occur due to inadequate ventilation.
  • Garden snails can attack primulas in the garden.
  • If it's too hot indoors, spider mites may attack them.
  • Primulas are prone to leaf spotting, which appears as brown spots on yellowing leaves. Remove infected leaves as soon as possible to prevent the spread of the disease and ensure proper ventilation for the plant.


The leaves and stems of primulas are poisonous. Small glands at the base of the plant's leaf hairs produce a milky sap that can cause itching, redness, and even blisters – particularly in individuals with sensitive skin and children. If someone accidentally ingests this sap, vomiting and diarrhea may occur, so keep the plant away from children and pets!

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