Tulip care
Latin name: TulipaThe Tulip is one of the most popular and diverse bulbous flower of spring, it can be found in countless colors, shapes and sizes. Among the garden tulips, there are also full-flowered, frilly-petaled, and parrot-like tulips.
It is easy to care of and will survive in almost any setting without requiring much effort, yet they thanks even this little care with beautiful flower splendor.
The Tulip is a genus of the Liliaceae family. About 100 species and thousands of cultivated varieties belong here. The name tulip comes from the Farsi (Persian) word "toliban", because its shape resembles the headwear used in the Islamic world, the turban.
The most popular Tulip varieties:
Botanical tulips, Kaufmanniana tulip hybrids, Greigii tulip hybrids, Darwin hybrid tulips, Fringed tulips, Parrot tulips, Viridiflora tulip hybrids, Rembrandt tulip hybrids.
Tulip Bloom
The tulip bloom is relatively long, with early and late varieties. Early single tulips bloom first, followed by early double tulips, then the Darwin hybrids, and finally the parrot tulips bloom in May.
Different tulip varieties bloom from March to May, June, but most tulip varieties bloom from early April to mid-May. It also depends on the weather, as the warmer it gets, the bloom starts, and when it gets very hot, the tulip bloom ends.
Care and requirements:
Planting tulips
Tulip bulbs should be planted from mid-September to mid-October while the soil is frost-free. They can grow anywhere, but if possible, plant them in a sunny, warm, sheltered yet airy part of the garden, where the soil has good water permeability and a fairly loose structure.
Nurseries start selling tulip bulbs in the fall. Choose the plumper, larger (8-10 cm [3-4 inch] in diameter) bulbs as they are the most suitable for flowering. Sometimes tulip bulbs can be found in stores in the spring, but do not purchase them at this time.
It is recommended to plow the soil at least 25-30 cm (10-12 inch) deep and work in manure at least one month before planting. If necessary, water the planting area well to moisten the soil.
The Tulip looks best when planted in clusters or groups, but they can also be planted in beds or rows, alongside lawns, or among perennial flowers. When planting, the spacing between bulbs should be at least 10 cm (4 inch), but 15-20 cm (6-8 inch) is the most ideal. Plant the bulbs at a depth that is two and a half times the height of the bulb itself. Cover them with twice as much soil as the height of the bulb. If the tulip bulb is planted too deep, it won't be able to break through the surface. Water the flower bed well after planting.
Regularly loosen the soil around the tulip and weed as necessary. If it is dry in the autumn, water them. Otherwise, the roots won't strengthen until the frosts and will die. If autumn is not dry, no extra watering is needed. If spring and summer are dry, water them so that the tulip bulbs develop well after flowering.
If planting in a lawn, use a bulb planter to lift the turf puck and soil then fill the bottom of the resulting hole with compost and a little sand. Place the bulb in it, apply compost and finally put the turf puck back. This way, the tulips that emerge from the lawn create a true spring atmosphere.
Further care
Be sure to remember that even after blooming, the tulip still needs its leaves. Before planting the tulip bulbs, consider where they will be placed, as while they look beautiful in a blooming patch on a green lawn, it's important to note that the leaves should not be cut for at least six weeks after blooming (usually until June).
You have to wait until the flower and all the leaves are completely dry on the plant, because then all important nutrients are withdrawn into the bulb. Then you can pick up the bulbs. Cutting the leaves too early will result in no flowers the following year. However, it is advisable to cut back the flower stems after blooming. Tulips should be renewed every 2-3 years.
Planting a Tulip in spring in a pot
If we missed the planting in the autumn, we can still force tulip bulbs to bloom in pots in spring. However, the reason why fall is the ideal time for planting tulips is that cold is an important factor in the plant's development.
If we want to plant the tulip in a pot, we can use a simple method to overwinter the tulip bulb indoors. Put the tulip bulb in a paper bag and store it in the fridge for about 2-3 months. If there is a vegetable compartment, it's the best place for it. The tulip bulb definitely needs wintering, and with this method, we essentially replicate how tulips overwinter in the garden.
At the end of the wintering period, take out the tulip bulb from the fridge and plant it in a pot. Use general-purpose potting soil. Since the tulip is a spring flower, it will also need a lower temperature in the pot. The temperature between 15-20 °C (59-68 °F) is the most ideal for the bulbs to root and for the tulip growth to start. Place the pot in a bright but cool place, never near a radiator, and give it very little water.
If we receive a potted tulip in the spring, after it blooms, do not throw away the plant, but set aside the tulip bulb until autumn, then plant it in the garden or on the balcony, so we can enjoy its beauty again next year.
The easiest way to propagate tulips is by bulbs, but it is also possible from seed. Tulips propagated from seed take about three years to develop into a flowering plant. When collecting seeds, the seed pods must be broken off.
Caring for Tulips in a vase:
If we learn how to care for a freshly cut tulip in a vase, it gives us the opportunity to enjoy their beauty in our home for up to 10 days.
The tulip is a beautiful garden plant that many people want to bring into their homes, but when cut, it quickly wither or lose its beauty. There are many techniques to get the most out of tulips.
Prepare the tulip for keeping in the vase:
- Remove any leaves from the stem that would be submerged after placing it in the vase.
- Cut the stem to prevent air from entering and to provide optimal water absorption.
- Cut the stem so that it remains twice the height of the vase in which it is placed. Make sure that no white part remains, thus increasing the tulip's water absorption.
- If possible, cut the stem underwater to ensure no air gets into the stem.
- Always cut diagonally using a sharp knife or scissors to avoid damaging the stem and prevent air inflow.
Care in the vase:
- Cut about 2 cm (1 inch) off the stem every two days to ensure continuous water absorption.
- Check the water level in the vase frequently and refill as needed.
- Keep the vase clean and change the water frequently.
- Add nutrient solution to the water.
- Place the vase in a cool place, avoiding direct sunlight, heaters, and dry places.
- Extra tip: add a few ice cubes in the vase to cool down the water.
Common diseases, pests, and reasons for tulip decay:
- Aphids can multiply in a stiky, green mass on the flower heads in too much heat. In this case, treat them with insecticide.
- If the roots do not get enough moisture, it can cause a lack of flowering.
- Voles and moles love juicy bulbs, so plastic or wire mesh planting baskets are often used to prevent them from eating the bulbs.
- Sometimes, despite careful treatment, tulips may not bloom. The reason for this is not always related to the treatment; there are short-lived varieties.
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